Monday, March 3, 2014

Is Spring Just Around the Corner?

Well, we would all agree that this winter has not been a normal southern winter.  So, what do you think?  Is Spring just around the corner? 

The Farmers' Almanac seemed to be the only source to predict winter correctly, so we decided to look at their Spring prediction.  Here is what they had to say about our area...  In the Southeastern states, the season will open to windy and rainy conditions, followed by some very warm temperatures and severe thunderstorms. Showers will continue through most of April, followed by a cloudy, but hot May.

We decided since there is no straight answer as to whether the weather is going to be warm or cold, we would offer everyone a special that would take care of both needs.

                                         Give us a call today to schedule your
          $69.00 Spring Tune with FREE Furnace Safety Check!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Check or Change Your Filter!

It's the beginning of month, what better time to get in the habit of changing your air filter?!  

Even if you have a filter that last several months, you should take the time to make sure the filter hasn't become dirty early. Every home's and family's situation is different. Please understand that the length of time a manufacturer states on a filter is an average. This length of time may need to be adjusted for your home. Factors such as the number of people in your home, pets, the number of times your doors opens per day, and even how often you burn candles are all factors.

So, what exactly does the air filter do and how does it work?  The air filter is positioned where air is pulled into the system. The filter traps air-born particles that get sucked in with the air and keeps them from blocking the blower and clogging up the coils.  Clogged coils can't heat or cool the air passing over them.  A clogged coil and blocked blower may damage the system!  So, the air filter performs the important job of helping your heating and cooling system do it's job, and keeps it running efficiently.  This helps to prolong the life of your heating and cooling system.

Andy Lewis can help you with your filters.  When signing up for our Preventative Maintenance Agreement, we can offer options to change your filters when we come out and perform maintenance.  We also offer higher efficiency and better filters to make your home's air healthy!

Call us today at 704-391-9191!


Thursday, January 9, 2014

We Survived the "Artic Vortex"! Did Your Heater?

So, we are finally thawing from record breaking low temperatures!  Hopefully your heating system kept you warm.  As we heard from Duke Energy, utility usage was at an all time high with everyone trying to stay warm.  So what does that mean for your heating system?  Run time, and LOTS of it. 

For those two days of extremely cold temperatures, and never getting above freezing, your heating system was working overtime!  If you haven't had your system checked yet this year, it is definitely a good time to do so.  Heating systems were put under a lot of strain, and could possibly breakdown or worse yet, you could have a Carbon Monoxide leak!  Remember, carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless. The only way to detect this deadly gas is with a carbon monoxide detector.  Make sure the batteries in the carbon monoxide detectors are still good, and run the test mode to make sure it is functioning.  Also, check the shelf life of the detector.  This should be located on the back or inside cover.  Carbon Monoxide detectors do not last forever, so make sure yours is still good.  

If you and others in your family start experiencing headaches and flu-like symptoms, please have it checked! We are still running our $69 Tune Up and Safety Check.  This will give you a comprehensive check of the heating system's performance.

Call Us Today to Schedule 704-391-9191

"The Andy Man Will Treat You Right"